Unrestricted operation
The world is the same, why should you run your BWTS in different modes?Case study: UV BWTS restrictions to tramp trade
In the tramp trade, a ship’s itinerary can be dynamically changed without warning to accommodate new chartering arrangements.
Let’s consider a scenario where a ship fitted with a two operation modes Filter+UV BWTS (the majority of UV-based systems) has been discharging cargo in Panama and ballasting for the next port of call in Mexico. Whilst the ship is on its way to Mexico for the next cargo, it is ordered to divert to the US instead. The ship in Panama, following the Ballast Water Management Plan, would ballast using the IMO mode of the BWTS. The call to divert to the USA is problematic, as the ballast water on board has not been treated in accordance with the maker’s instructions and system Type Approval certificate.
In order for the ship to discharge ballast in the US, it will have to undertake a ballast exchange operation and re-ballast while operating the BWTS in USCG mode.
Having received the instruction to divert to the US, a ship fitted with an ERMA FIRST FIT BWTS will have no issue. Unlike the case of UV treatment, the ballast water on board will be compliant irrespective of departure port. ERMA FIRST uses reliable electrochlorination treatment that delivers compliance globally for operations in both IMO and USCG regulated ports.
In a second scenario, let us take a ship operating in the estuary of New Brunswick on the US east coast, an area with low quality waters. Brackish waters with low UVT will present serious challenges for a vessel hoping to complete ballasting at a normal rate, as there will be a critical flow reduction. This is because the UVT will restrict the flow through the UV system.
In the same situation, a ship utilising ERMA FIRST technology will not be impacted by the brackish low UVT water because the system is able to operate in all water qualities. In situ, electrochlorination provides a sustainable and low power demand ballast water treatment. For a better illustration of these scenarios please refer to ERMA FIRST YouTube channel.