Capital Link’s 4th Annual Cyprus Shipping Forum took place on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 in Limassol at the Columbia Plaza, under the Auspices of the Republic of Cyprus, the Cyprus Shipping Deputy Minister to the President, and with the leading sponsorship and cooperation of the Cyprus Union of Shipowners, the support of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber and several industry organizations.
The event was a huge success drawing delegates from abroad as well as from the local Cyprus shipping community, including major shipowners, government officials, shipmanagers, financiers and other leading industry participants.
ERMA FIRST, once again, joined the forum as sponsors supporting Capital Link’s cause. Mr. Konstantinos Stampedakis, Managing Director of ERMA FIRST had the chance to talk about the legislation trends and the way forward to Ballast Water Treatment compliance.
The Capital Link Cyprus Shipping Forum focuses on investment strategies, sectors, critical topics of interest to the investment community and company presentations and aims to highlight the significant role of Cyprus as a maritime, energy and logistics hub and as an investment and business destination.